Frequently Asked Questions

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Physical therapy and manual therapy

No, physical therapy is directly accessible, so you can make an appointment with a physical therapist without a referral from a family doctor or other physician. The same goes for the other disciplines we have in house such as, manual therapy, osteopathy, cranio-sacral therapy and acupuncture.

We treat a variety of complaints. If a complaint cannot be handled with us we will work with you to find where it can. If you are unsure whether your complaint can be treated with us? If so, please contact us.

No, unfortunately physical therapy has not been in basic insurance since 2012. However, there are some exceptions, which make you eligible for physical therapy from basic insurance. Examples include osteoarthritis of the hip and/or knee, Claudicatio Intermittens (arthritic legs) Through this link you will gain insight into the current legislation on reimbursements. In addition, there are a number of chronic indications for which physical therapy is reimbursed from the basic insurance from the 21st treatment.

It depends on your insurance.

Physical therapy and manual therapy is not in the basic package, which means it must be reimbursed from your supplementary package. Wondering what your health care policy will cover? Then click here.

Osteopathy, cranio-sacral therapy and acupuncture are covered under alternative medicine reimbursements. For fees, click here.

No, physical therapy is paid from the supplementary package. Care paid for from the supplemental package is free of deductible. The exceptions are the treatments that are reimbursed by the basic insurance.

Yes, we have a contract with every (Dutch) health insurer.

No, we do not have direct access to your health care records at the doctor’s office. However, after your approval, we may request the results of a particular examination from your physician. The latter can then send the results to us via a protective connection (healthcare email), in writing or by phone.

A treatment lasts 30 minutes, this includes dressing and undressing and making any new appointment.

The main difference between manual therapy and physical therapy is the hands. A manual therapist uses his or her hands to examine and heal the cause of your symptoms. So manual therapy is actually “hand therapy. Physical therapy can be called “hands-free therapy.

Yes, you have come to the right place with sports injuries. Both physio- manual therapy and also in combination with dry needling or osteopathy, your sports injury can be treated well. In addition, a number of therapists have taken various tape courses. With us, it is also possible for different disciplines to assess and treat your symptoms together.

With a chronic condition, physical therapy treatments are reimbursed from the basic insurance from the 21st treatment. The first 20 treatments should either be covered by your supplementary insurance, or they are not (sufficiently) covered, you will be charged. Curious about your reimbursements?

Yes, physical therapy for children under the age of 18 is covered for the first 9 treatments, if necessary a request can be made for an additional 9 treatments. In addition, your children will have the same supplemental insurance as the parent whose children are on the insurance.

If you are unable to come to the practice due to physical symptoms, home physical therapy treatment is available. However, for home treatment, unlike treatment at the practice, a referral from the family doctor is required. This referral should then describe that the treatment should take place at home.

When making an appointment (through the site, by phone, email, whatsapp or at the front desk), details will be reviewed with you. We ask that you bring an ID card and a clean large towel.

At the intake and anamnesis, your complaint is first assessed, and based on this, a physical examination is started in which the body part where the complaint is located is examined. Often it is helpful to have the body part you have symptoms on bare during the treatment, so we can get to it and see it clearly. We may therefore ask you to remove a piece of clothing.

Yes, this is allowed. Please indicate during the initial contact if you have a preference for a therapist. Efforts will be made to schedule you with the appropriate therapist. Should this not work initially, you can still switch later.

The practice is cleaned twice a week by a professional cleaning company. In addition, we keep an eye on this ourselves to do additional cleaning where necessary. The bedding of the treatment tables is changed several times in a day. Nevertheless, we ask that you bring your own towel to lie on.

For more information, please refer to our trade association’s website:


A referral from your doctor is not necessary to qualify for reimbursement.

Osteopathy is fully or partially reimbursed by almost all insurers under supplementary insurance. You will then not have to deal with your deductible. Click here for a direct link to’s website with a list of health insurance companies and reimbursements. To avoid misunderstandings, contact your health insurance company.

Only treatments by a registered osteopath are eligible for reimbursement. This is because of the quality requirements of the registry, which insurers have endorsed. The osteopaths listed on this website are all members of the NVO and registered with the Quality Register. Our osteopaths in practice are all registered.

Osteopathy has free rates. This means that each osteopath determines his or her own treatment rate. View our rates for osteopathy here.

We treat a variety of complaints. If a complaint cannot be handled with us we will work with you to find where it can. If you are unsure whether your complaint can be treated with us? If so, please contact us.

When making an appointment (through the site, by phone, email, whatsapp or at the front desk), information will be reviewed with you. We ask that you bring an ID card and a clean large towel.

An osteopathic consultation will always begin with an interview to accurately identify the symptoms. This includes discussing past complaints and injuries and your health in general.

The history is followed by a physical examination that focuses on the mobility of the spine, joints, skull, muscles, organs and nervous system. These palpations, mobility tests and neurological tests are necessary to locate and assess pain and/or movement limitations. This means that the osteopath performs manipulations on the body, usually in places other than where the complaint is located. It is common for patients to undress down to their underwear. This allows your osteopath to fully investigate the complaint. If you prefer to keep shorts or shirts on, this is usually not a problem as long as it does not restrict your movement (freedom). Room screens for changing are available in our rooms.

Yes, this is allowed. Please indicate during the initial contact if you have a preference for a therapist. Efforts will be made to schedule you with the appropriate therapist. Should this not work initially, you can still switch later.

A treatment lasts 45 minutes, which includes dressing and undressing and making any new appointment.

An osteopath is trained to examine and treat both newborn and growing children.

Yes, you have come to the right place with sports injuries. Both physio- manual therapy and also in combination with dry needling or osteopathy, your sports injury can be treated well. In addition, a number of therapists have taken various tape courses. With us, it is also possible for different disciplines to assess and treat your symptoms together.

No, you don’t have to. Children are curious creatures, especially in a new environment. It is important for parents to arrive on time with their child so that the child can already adjust to the environment in the waiting room. Parents can tell in advance that they will be touched on the belly, back, chest, feet and head. It is too much to ask for a child under the age of 5 to lie still during treatment. Osteopaths are creative in treating a child.

Babies may also be treated while feeding (breast or bottle). Younger children can sometimes be distracted by a familiar toy or toy from home or the telling of a story. With older children, sometimes a new toy actually helps.

The most common complaints are:
Rug and neck pain
Abdominal complaints
Pregnancy complaints
● Complaints in babies
Headaches and migraines

Many people with chronic back or neck pain benefit from treatment by an osteopath. But the list of complaints in which an osteopath can help is much longer. For example, treatment by an osteopath can also be useful for migraines, whiplash, abdominal pain, poor bowel function.

Osteopathy is certainly not a miracle therapy. You don’t have to believe in it to be helped. The basis of osteopathy is knowledge of anatomy, physiology, neurology and pathology. By looking differently at the connection of the knowledge areas, surprising results are possible.

Sometimes after the first treatment, but usually after a few treatments, you will experience what osteopathy does to your body.

The practice is cleaned twice a week by a professional cleaning company. In addition, we keep an eye on this ourselves to do additional cleaning where necessary. The bedding of the treatment tables is changed several times in a day. Nevertheless, we ask that you bring your own towel to lie on.

For more information, please refer to our trade association’s website:


A referral from your doctor is not necessary to qualify for reimbursement.

Many insurers reimburse treatments by acupuncturists who are members of a professional association. Our acupuncturist is a member of the Dutch Association for Acupuncture (N.V.A). Reimbursement is often 75 percent of the cost of treatment. However, you are usually bound by a maximum number of treatments per calendar year. You can check with your insurer.

Acupuncture has free rates. This means that each acupuncturist determines the treatment rate. View our rates for acupuncture here.

A list of health conditions for which acupuncture can be used as a cure was compiled by the WHO (World Health Organization) in 1979. A long list because acupuncture is a suitable therapy for many complaints. In our practice we treat many people with tinnitus, intestinal complaints, headaches, allergies, lung complaints, sleep disorders, fatigue, burnout and psychological problems.

Is your complaint not listed? If so, feel free to contact us to discuss your options.

No, the poking doesn’t hurt. Sometimes you may feel a kind of “electric shock.” Nothing to worry about: this is the energy being manipulated. Sometimes a treated point can be a bit sensitive. That sensitivity quickly disappears again.

During or after treatment, you may yawn or feel somewhat lazy or sluggish. This is actually positive: it means that the treatment has had a relaxing effect. Furthermore, acupuncture has hardly any side effects. Rarely, nausea or dizziness occur. These symptoms disappear on their own within a short time.

Yes, definitely. Sterile packaged needles are used in our practice. The acupuncturist does not open the package until the start of treatment. After treatment, the used needles are discarded. The needles are used only once.

When making an appointment (through the site, by phone, email, whatsapp or at the front desk), details will be reviewed with you. We ask that you bring an ID card and a clean large towel.

An initial consultation takes about 45 minutes to an hour and a follow-up consultation about 30 to 40 minutes.

For acupuncture treatments, we usually need your legs, feet, hands, arms and/or lower abdomen. Often the back, neck or head as well. So usually only the shoes, socks and top pants need to be taken off. For the back often the outerwear as well. You can always leave your underwear (including bra) on. Put on clothes in which you feel comfortable. We always leave you alone for a while when changing. And if you feel too exposed in underwear, there are always clean towels available to cover you with or you can use your own towel to do so.

The practice is cleaned twice a week by a professional cleaning company. In addition, we keep an eye on this ourselves to do additional cleaning where necessary. The bedding of the treatment tables is changed several times in a day. Nevertheless, we ask that you bring your own towel to lie on.

For more information please refer to the NVA our trade association:

Craniosacral therapy

A referral from your doctor is not necessary to qualify for reimbursement.

Craniosacral therapy has free fees. This means that each therapist determines its own treatment rate. View our rates for craniosacral therapy here.

Craniosacral therapy is partially reimbursed by many insurers under supplementary insurance. You then don’t have to deal with your deductible.

A list of health insurance companies and reimbursements can be found at Also, always check your own policy terms and conditions so there are no financial surprises.

During the treatment, you will keep your clothes on.

The recipient of craniosacral therapy wears easy-fitting clothing and lies down on a treatment table. The therapist makes contact by briefly placing the hands on the body in different places and starts to sense the frequency and strength of the craniosacral rhythm. On this basis, the therapist can detect disturbances. He will then follow along with the rhythm and perform light pressure on the cranio-sacral system to correct these disturbances. The techniques used are very gentle and provide deep relaxation and aim to create space in the craniosacral system.

The period between two consecutive treatments varies from person to person. Please indicate your own wishes regarding the frequency. The therapist will make a recommendation based on knowledge and experience and discuss it with you. It is quite normal to leave a few weeks between appointments to give your body time to react and let it sink in.

A treatment lasts an average of 60 minutes. Sometimes, in consultation with the craniotherapist, a longer treatment – with a different rate – can be agreed upon.

Craniosacral therapy focuses on the human being as a whole. So it is not primarily about treating symptoms of disease. The main focus is on possible causes. This form of treatment invites the body to start functioning optimally, tapping into the body’s self-healing ability. Therefore, the types of complaints, in which craniosacral therapy is effective, are very diverse. Examples of complaints that can be remedied with this therapy include:
● Headache
Back pain
● Tension in neck and shoulders
● Movement restrictions
● Sleep disorders
● Fatigue
● Stress
● Listlessness

Craniosacral therapy can address a very broad target population, from infants to seniors. This method of treatment is used, for example, with cry babies, babies with intestinal cramps or babies who are often sick.

For more information please refer to Cranio Nederland our professional association:

Dry Needling

A solid needle with a thickness of 0.3 millimeters is used. So no liquid passes through it.

Dry needling is a part of physical therapy and is covered by your health insurance company’s supplemental insurance.

Dry needling cannot be used everywhere. It targets muscles exclusively.

This is what you call muscle knots (as it is often popularly referred to). Trigger points are palpable thickenings in tissue that are often very sensitive. They can cause annoying pain. In addition, they can cause radiation of pain, decreased muscle strength and stiffness.

Through dry needling, you can treat a variety of complaints. In particular, dry needling is used for complaints that are perpetuated by trigger points.

First, we start with an intake and examination to determine the cause behind the symptoms. If this shows that dry needling is an effective treatment method then it can be started. The therapist will feel the tension in the muscle and look for trigger points that give the recognizable pain. A thin needle is then pricked toward the trigger point. After moving the needle back and forth a few times and poking the trigger points, the needle is taken out again. While pricking the trigger points, you may feel contractions of the muscle. Also called a twitch. After prodding, you will be given exercises to further optimize muscle function and resolve the complaint.

We can reassure you immediately. A dry needling treatment does not hurt in most cases. We briefly explain the process. The physical therapist very gently inserts the needle into the body toward the appropriate muscle. This hardly hurts at all. There are even some patients who do not even feel the pricking of the needle. But as the needle approaches the trigger point, you may feel a slight but brief twinge of pain. It is often described as a small electric shock or contraction. After that time, you may experience muscle pain in the treated muscle.

Dry needling is sometimes compared to acupuncture. While there are some similarities, the two treatments should certainly not be compared. The use of needles and the technique of placing the needles are

With dry needling, the physical therapist tries to reduce the tension and stiffness in the muscles. In many cases, you notice the relief after just one treatment. To prevent symptoms from recurring in the future, the physical therapist may also provide exercises.

Are you curious if dry needling is the right treatment method for your physical symptoms? Please contact our practice.

Cesar exercise therapy

Many physical complaints arise from improper posture and movement habits. To structurally master your symptoms, it is important to tackle the problem at its root. Therefore, Cesar and Mensendieck occupational therapists look beyond your complaint. We go to the source and address the cause with you.

After comprehensive analysis of your symptoms, we will work with you to create a treatment plan tailored to your individual situation. During treatment, you will learn to better understand and feel what is causing your symptoms. You will learn how to reduce these symptoms through exercises, posture corrections and finding the right balance between tension and relaxation. You will also learn how to prevent complaints in the future.

No, your insurance reimbursement is independent of physician referral. So you can also make an appointment with us directly. Exercise therapy is reimbursed in whole or in part through your supplemental insurance and in some cases through your basic insurance. Consult your health insurance company for exact reimbursement and conditions.

We have a contract with all health insurance companies in the Netherlands. Exercise therapy is reimbursed in whole or in part through your supplemental insurance and in some cases through your basic insurance. Consult your health insurance company for exact reimbursement and conditions.

Children up to 18 years of age receive standard reimbursement for 18 treatments from basic insurance. No deductible is charged on this by the health insurance company. If you have supplementary insurance, your child’s treatments will be reimbursed from your supplementary insurance starting from the 19th treatment.

An appointment lasts 30 minutes, of which 5 to 10 minutes are needed for reporting.

Legal ID and doctor’s referral and a large clean towel.

Yes, in addition to treatment at the practice, home treatment is also available.

The physical therapist provides exercises, just like a Cesar or Mensendieck remedial therapist. In addition, physical therapy (physio) uses other techniques and devices, such as massage, ultrasound and traction. Often physical therapists give the exercises using fitness equipment. Herein lies an essential difference from the approach taken by exercise therapists Mensendieck and Cesar. These therapies are a do-it-yourself therapy par excellence, basically requiring no other tools or devices. The main difference between physical therapy and Cesar-Mensendieck exercise therapy is the way in which insight is gained into the symptoms and then how change in movement patterns and posture is achieved.

For more information please refer to VvCM our trade association:

Medical Taping

Medical taping is an intervention within physical therapy. It is a method in which brightly colored elastic tape (also called kinesio tape) is used to support muscles in their function. In the sports world, you see it being used a lot.

● A decrease in pain.
● Improved supply and removal of moisture.
A decrease in muscle tension.
Less anxiety about moving.
A faster recovery.

No, it is the exact same material and only a different dye bath was used for the various colors of tape.

No, there are no drugs added to it. The positive effects are achieved by using the elasticity of the tape properly.

Yes, you can. The tape does absorb some water, after showering or swimming it is recommended to dab the tape dry. Blow-drying is not recommended to prevent skin irritation. Being under the tanning bed with tape on is also best avoided.

The tape does not stick well on oily skin. Therefore, it is preferable not to apply creams. Sometimes the skin must be made greasy with a special spray before treatment.

To adhere properly, the excess hair must be shaved away. Otherwise, the tape will be less effective. Moreover, it can irritate when taped over hair.

The tape is not sterile and therefore cannot be applied over damaged skin. However, taping can be done around a wound to promote wound healing. The skin must be sufficiently load-bearing to use tape, when taping scars and the like, the wound must be closed with skin.

Even after radiation, the skin must first recover sufficiently. No taping should be done in the first six weeks after the end of radiation therapy; in practice, longer time may sometimes be needed.

To avoid skin irritation and damage to the skin, the tape should be removed gently and carefully. This can be done in several ways:

Wet the tape well beforehand, fix the skin by hand and pull the tape off piece by piece in the direction of hair growth. The fixing hand is placed just behind the tape each time.

For more sensitive skin or children: rub the tape with (baby) oil and allow the oil to soak in well. This will cause the tape to release easily.

Another useful tool is Sterilium. Let it soak for a while so that the adhesive has a chance to dissolve, then gently remove the tape.

The tape will last for an average of 5 days. On the hand or foot, it can sometimes release a little faster.

When applying, the tape should be pressed tightly, sometimes holding the hand on the tape for a moment so that the tape takes the temperature of the skin. This is how the tape adheres best.

The tape absorbs skin heat and adheres optimally after about half an hour. Therefore, the first time dressing should be done carefully to prevent the ends from coming loose. Once the tape reaches skin temperature, the vulnerability when dressing or undressing is much less.

Tip: After applying tape, rub the tape with talcum powder. The talcum powder adheres to the edges of the tape so that the tape does not stick to clothing.

For more information and instructional videos, please refer to:


EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and is a therapeutic approach often used to treat trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

EMDR is a psychotherapeutic approach developed to help people process traumatic experiences. It includes the use of eye movements or other bilateral stimulation to process traumatic memories.

EMDR uses bilateral stimulation (such as eye movements, sounds or tapping) while the person is asked to focus on a traumatic memory. This helps the brain process the memory adaptively, reducing the emotional charge.

EMDR is primarily used to treat PTSD and other trauma-related disorders. However, it can also be useful in treating anxiety disorders, phobias, depression and other emotional problems.

An EMDR session usually lasts 50 – 60 minutes, but the duration can vary depending on the complexity of the trauma.

The number of EMDR sessions needed varies depending on the severity of the trauma and the person’s individual needs. Some people may experience significant improvement after only a few sessions, while others may require longer treatment.

The cost falls under a psychologist’s consultation. Current rates can be found here .

Yes, EMDR is safe and is considered an effective and approved treatment for PTSD. It is used by trained and certified professionals.

During an EMDR session, the therapist will ask you to describe the traumatic memory while focusing on the bilateral stimulation. This may trigger some emotional reactions, but the therapist will guide you to deal with them and gradually reduce them.

Yes, EMDR can be effective with children who have been traumatized. The technique can be adapted to the child’s age and developmental level.

Yes, the effects of EMDR are usually considered lasting. Once processed, traumatic memories usually remain diminished in emotional intensity.

It is not necessary. During EMDR, you do not have to fully share the details of your trauma if you do not feel comfortable doing so. The therapist can help you find the right balance between sharing relevant information and maintaining your comfort.

Important: EMDR is a specialized therapy performed by trained professionals. If you are interested in trying EMDR please contact us or call 0316-331776.


Psychology is the scientific study of behavior, thoughts and emotions of individuals and groups.

A psychologist is a professional who studies human behavior, mental processes and emotions and helps to understand and address psychological problems.

There are several specializations, such as clinical psychology, counseling psychology, neuropsychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, industrial/organizational psychology, and more.

A psychologist usually has a doctorate in psychology and offers therapy and counseling. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (M.D. or D.O.) specializing in psychiatry who can prescribe medication and provide psychotherapy.

Occupational therapy, also known as counseling or psychotherapy, is a process by which a trained professional helps clients understand mental health issues, address emotional difficulties and promote positive changes in their lives.

A session generally lasts 50 to 60 minutes. but the duration may vary depending on the complexity of the request for help.

The course of a session may vary depending on your needs, the request for help and the therapeutic approach. It is important to be open to the process and willing to work on your psychological well-being. Remember that everything you share with the therapist is confidential and you will be in a supportive environment to work on your goals.

Psychology has free fees. This means that each psychologist determines his or her own treatment rate. View our psychology rates here.

Treatments for a psychologist are not covered by basic insurance. Do you have supplemental health insurance? Then, in some cases, it is possible to claim part of the cost. To do so, contact your health insurance company directly and explain your situation.
Treatments for burnout, grief and loss, panic and anxiety and relationship therapy, among others, are never covered by health insurance.

Common mental illnesses include depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), burnout, panic attacks and more.

There are several ways to manage stress, including regular exercise, mindfulness, relaxation techniques, seeking social support, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and seeking professional help if needed.

Worrying too much, intense mood swings, withdrawal from social activities, sleep problems, changes in eating habits, inability to perform daily tasks, and intense feelings of sadness or hopelessness are some possible signs.

Mental health can be supported by self-care, healthy relationships, positive coping mechanisms, setting boundaries, getting enough sleep, eating healthy and reducing stress.

We treat a variety of complaints. Burnout symptoms, anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, stress, coping problems (e.g. difficulty setting boundaries), self-image, chronic pain symptoms, etc. Through an intake interview we can determine whether the request for help can be treated in our practice. When there are severe addiction problems, active psychosis or severe psychological (personality) disorders, treatment in a (s)GGZ institution is more appropriate.

It is wise to seek professional help if mental health problems interfere with your daily life, if you are struggling with intense emotions, or if you are putting yourself or others at risk.

For more information, please refer to our professional association Nederlands Instituut Psychologen (NIP)


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a form of behavioral therapy aimed at increasing psychological flexibility through acceptance of negative thoughts and feelings, and focusing attention on personal values to take meaningful actions.

The goal of ACT is to help people live rich and meaningful lives, even in the presence of painful thoughts and emotions. It is about learning to deal with inner discomfort while taking valuable actions.

ACT differs from traditional therapies in that it does not focus primarily on reducing negative thoughts and emotions, but rather on changing the relationship one has with these experiences.

ACT uses six core processes: acceptance, defusion (detaching from thoughts), mindfulness, self as context (being aware of the observer of thoughts and emotions), values and committed action. Fostering these processes can increase psychological flexibility.

ACT has proven effective in treating a variety of mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders, depression, chronic pain, addiction and eating disorders. It is also used in stress management and to promote personal growth.

ACT can be effective for many people, but it is not necessarily appropriate for everyone. Effectiveness depends on individual needs and personal preferences.

The duration of ACT treatment varies depending on individual needs and complexity of problems. It can range from a few sessions to several months.

The cost falls under a psychologist’s consultation. Current rates can be found here.

While some experience with mindfulness may be helpful, it is not necessary. ACT can help develop mindfulness skills as part of treatment.

No, you don’t need to fully understand your values before embarking on ACT. The

Research has shown that ACT can be effective in the long term, especially when people continue to work on applying the skills learned in their daily lives.

If you are interested in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy please contact us or call 0316-331776